Wednesday, July 15, 2009

sixwords :: some of our favorites

Happened at the cafe with Chantal, Pyper.


Once upon a time long ago!


:: for (abby) ::
I can't find my shoe! Prince!
:: c ::


:: for pyper! ::
Walking talking yellow road lost shoes--
:: c ::


Stories end with well who knows


Ok! Now it’s your turn, write some six-word stories and share them with Writing from the Rooftops as a comment, we’d love to read them and post some of your sixwords!!!

lots of words--
(abby) pyper! :: c ::

By the way......

In case you were wondering where we got the idea to do six-word stories, the original six-word story was written by the famous writer Ernest Hemingway, it is said that he thought this was the best story he ever wrote. This is his story:

For sale: baby shoes, never used.

:: oh ya! find us posting six-words, haiku & more on twitter @rooftop_writing ::


Wes Ward Ph.D. said...

abby pyper equal cool six words

Pat Evans said...

Young writers show me new worlds.